Afternoons With Us


The pop of Champagne, the sound of glasses clinking and the whir of people - all signs of a promising afternoon ahead. While light pours through our windows all day, our favourite time of day is just before dusk - just the right moment for a bracing drink and a tower of Albany rock oysters. There’s a sense of anticipation as we ask ourselves what's next? What does the night hold? And how do we fill those fleeting hours before winter's dusk settles?

To celebrate Golden Hour, we've created a selection of snacks, tailored for the late afternoon. Available between 3 pm and 6 pm, it's the perfect moment to walk in and dine in our Club Lounge, fill up a booth and spend the afternoon with Campari Seltz in hand, partaking in scallops baked in hollandaise and grilled Lyonnaise sausage. 


Campari Seltz - The Iconic Serve